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Disable write to USB drives in client

2017/04/15 21:19

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

As clients are booting through network and if some user copy files to USB drives, specially on USB 3.0 drives in which read/write at high speed causing lag to other clients. 

Here is how you can prevent it.

1. Before you do this, make sure you are using CCBoot version 20170411 and newer as the function is not available in older versions.

2. Open the CCBoot.ini file from the CCBoot folder, then add "USBWriteProtect=1" under [Config] line (Figure 1)

Figure 1

2. Now, on the client, if you try to copy files to any USB drives, it will give you "The media is write protected".

3. This will prevent users from copying game files as well as prevent clients lag.

Note: To disable the write protect change the value of  USBWriteProtect  to 0,  "USBWriteProtect=0" .


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