Wiki Home Troubleshoots CCBoot Works with EZ Timebilling

CCBoot Works with EZ Timebilling

2015/01/12 11:00

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

1) On CCBoot server, download EZ Timebilling server from, and then extract the file.

2) Close all running applications in order not to conflict with the installation of EZ Timebilling software.

3) Run the "setup.exe" file, and follow the instructions to complete the installation of billing server.

4) Run EZ Timebilling server.

5) Diskless boot one of the client PCs with super client (such as PC1).

6) Download EZ Timebilling client from, and then extract the file.

7) Run the "setup.exe" file, and follow the instructions to complete the installation of billing client. (Note: Do not select "Launch Client Shield" when the installation is finished.)

8) Download the "" file from, and extract it.

9) Copy the "CCBoot-for-EZ-Timebilling.exe" file from the extracted file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Client Shield".

10) Run the "CCBoot-for-EZ-Timebilling.exe" file, and then run the "EZShield.exe" file.

11) Enter the Workstation number (eg. 1).

12) Enter the server IP.

13) Enter the server port, the default port is 2021. And then click the "OK" button.

14) Shutdown PC1 normally. Disable super client and save the updated image on CCBoot server.

15) Diskless boot all client PCs.

Thanks for Yono Sucipto reporting this issue to us, so we can make this wiki for all of you.


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