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CCBoot Works with Truecafe

2016/06/12 13:09

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

Test tells us that CCBoot can work with Truecafe successfully. However, sometimes, you may encounter a problem that when you use Truecafe on CCBoot, it always stops at Windows logo. In this case, please follow the instructions below.

1) Install Operating System on your client PC.

2) Install CCBoot client program on you client PC, and then reboot the client PC.

3) Install Truecafe on your client PC.

4) Reboot the client PC, and then upload image.

Note: Please operate according to the above steps in sequence, and do not reverse step 2 and step 3. Moreover, it does not support installing Truecafe under the circumstance of diskless.


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