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Fix loading issues on origin

origin, ea, loading, issue

The following provides step-by-step instructions to resolve loading issues with Origin by clearing cache and resetting configuration folders, ensuring a clean reinstall of Visual C++, and restarting the PC before logging back into Origin.

If you have loading issues on Origin, please follow the steps below to fix it.

1. First of all, log out and exit the Origin completely.

2. Hold the Windows key and press "R" on the keyboard.

3. Type "%ProgramData%" (without quotes) and click the "OK" button.

4. Find and open the Origin folder.

5. Delete all the files and folders in the Origin folder, except for LocalContent.

6. Hold the Windows key and press "R" on the keyboard.

7. Type "%AppData%" (without quotes) and click the "OK" button.

8. This will take you to a Roaming folder, which is located inside of the “AppData” folder. Then delete the Origin folder.

9. Click on the word "AppData" at the top of your window.

10. Open the Local folder here.

11. Delete the Origin folder listed here.

12. Download and install Visual C++

13. Finally, restart your PC and login into Origin again.
