Wiki Home Boot image Compact image

Compact image

compact, disk

  • After version 20240414 compact image is included on CCBootCloud as function.

  1. Navigate to the "Boot" directory, then "image" and choose the image you wish to compact. Right-click on the selected image, and a list of options will appear, with "Compact disk" listed as the last one. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Upon initiating the compact process, a progress bar will be displayed, accompanied by logs on the CCBootCloud server, detailing the progression until completion.  (Figure 2 & 3)

Figure 2

Figure 3

Manual way to compact disk

  1. Enable super client on the PC.
  2. Then delete all temp files.:\
  3. Run Windows defrag tool defrag HD (This step may take too much time).
  4. Shutdown and save the image.
  5. After that, mount the image; delete pagefile.sys
  6. Then use SDELETE from SDelete - Windows Sysinternals sdelete -z [drive]:
  7. Unmount the image and merge all restore points. refer to Merge image. 
  8. Run cmd as administrator
  9. Diskpart
  10. Select vdisk file="d:\win10.vhd"
  11.  Compact vdisk
