Wiki Home Cloud control panel Disk cache settings

Disk cache settings

disk, ram, cache

The following provides instructions on utilizing RAM caching to enhance disk performance in CCBootCloud, focusing on accelerating game loading and client boot times through high-speed read/write caching mechanisms.

  • We utilize RAM for disk caching, leveraging its high read/write speeds of over 5GB/s, far exceeding the 200-500 MB/s typically achieved by SSDs. This caching mechanism significantly accelerates game loading and client boot times by storing frequently accessed files in RAM cache after their initial read.

  1. Without RAM cache, test the disk performance by clicking the "all" button in the sample image.

  1. After applying 1024 ram cache on the image disk click the "all" button and wait for the result.


  1. Consider deploying two Writeback Disks if your setup supports more than 20 users.
  2. Configure disk cache settings with all values set to 0 for auto-allocation. Refer to Enable iSCSI cache
  3. Format NVMe SSDs with a 32K allocation unit for optimal performance, other allocation units may result in reduced performance.
  4. During initial server startup and client game loading, expect low idle percentages for game disks, possibly reaching 0%, until RAM caching initializes.
  5. Restart the server. After restart the CCBoot service will start at startup and make the cache work.
  6. If the above does not make Cache work, then re-install the CCBoot and then reboot the server once.
