Wiki Home Game Issues Solve Warface game disconnection issue

Solve Warface game disconnection issue

2018/06/18 15:53

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

1. Open CCBoot.ini file from the CCBoot folder.

2. Under the [config] line add UniqueDiskID=1 and then save it.

3. Now reboot your clients and connect to the game the players should be able to play normally and get disconnected.

Note: The function UniqueDiskID was added in 20160718, so you need to have new version of CCBoot to make this work

and from version 20160920 this has been set by default.
In case you have issue in warface then please do the step 1 and 2 in the new version of CCBoot as well to make it work.

Make sure that the CCBoot server and Client are at latest version if  you are using new versions.
