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Client XP System Optimization

2013/06/14 16:20

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In order to improve use CCBoot performance, in addition to the hardware configuration of the server and the client to improve outside another point is to do a good job system optimization.

System optimization is divided into: BIOS optimization, registry optimization, NIC optimization, optimize system settings.

Following we discuss some methods for system optimization. XP operating system, for example:

1. Client BIOS Optimization

1) If you do not connect IDE devices, "Standard CMOS Setup" in the "TYPE" and "MODE" is set to None.

2) CPU Internal Cache, External Cache is set to Enabled, open the CPU, secondary cache.

3) System Boot Up speed is set to High. The system boot speed to high speed.

4) Floopy Drive Seek At Boot is set to Disable. So start does not detect the floppy drive.

5) Above 1MB Memory Test is set to Disabled. Startup does not detect more than 1MB of memory.

6) Set the Boot Up Floppy seek Disabled. So start right floppy drive seek operations.

7) Video BIOS Shadow Enabled. Mapped into memory on the graphics card BIOS to improve the display speed.

8) System BIOS Shadow is set to Enabled. Mapped memory to improve the performance of the system BIOS.

9) Video BIOS Cacheable is set to Enable. The BIOS on the graphics card is mapped to the cache.

10) System BIOS Cacheable Enbaled. Motherboard BIOS is mapped to the cache.

11) Cache Timing Fastset.

12) SDRAM CAS Latency Time 3. Setting the delay time of the SDRAM. If your memory is not very good quality, will crash situation is greatly reduced.

13) VIA Apollo Pro Series motherboard BIOS chip, there is a "DRAM CLOCK" to change its value to HCLK +33, your memory will work under the frequency of the system FSB +33, if your CPU Celeron, that system performance will be very obvious, if your memory is not very good, you can have the value of "DRAM CLOCK" is set to "HOST CLK (system FSB) or the HOST-33." Apollo Pro series chips have a unique memory asynchronous technology.

Please carefully consider, this does not mean that each motherboard are required to do so, we proposed setting direction, according to their own environment to the correct settings.

2. Registry Optimization

2.1 Accelerate the startup and shutdown speed

1) Click the "Start" button, Run edit box, type "regedit" and press "Enter" on the keyboard keys.

2) In the Registry Editor window, expand "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Deskto" change the "HungAppTimeout" value "200", and then change the value data "WaitToKillAppTimeout" "1000".

3) Expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control", change the value data "HungAppTimeout" "200", then change the value data "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" "1000".

4) Use Microsoft Bootvis.exe optimization startup speed. To Microsoft's official website to download bootVis.exe, running after decompression bootvis.exe, then select Trace under the next boot and driver delays, XP will restart the process, and record start data into a BIN file. Open this file "file \ open directory Trace election Optimize system under this optimization, please be patient.

2.2 Speed ​​up menu display

1) Click the Start button, Run edit box, type "regedit" and press "Enter" on the keyboard keys.

2) In the Registry Editor window, expand "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop" "MenuShowDelay" Change the value data to "0", after adjustment, if it appears the menu display too fast and not suited to those who "MenuShowDelay "change the value data to" 200 "only take effect after the restart.

2.3 make good use of CPU L2 Cache to speed up the overall performance

1) Click the Start button, Run edit box, type "regedit" and press "Enter" on the keyboard keys.

2) In the Registry Editor window, expand "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro \ SessionManager \ MemoryManagement" "SecondLevelDataCache" Change the value data with the same CPU L2 Cache decimal value.

P4 1.6G L2 Cache is 256Kb, P4 1.6GA 512Kb L2 Cache, readers can query the network on the CPU L2 Cache information.

2.4 reduce multiple start waiting time

1) Open with Notepad "boot.ini" file in the C: \ directory under the "timeout" value by default (30 seconds) to require waiting for the digital archiving.

2) Click the "Start" button, type "msconfig" in the Run edit box in the "boot.ini" tab, modify the waiting time.

2.5 shutdown automatically shut down to stop responding program

1) Click the Start button, Run edit box, type "regedit" and press "Enter" on the keyboard keys.

2) In the Registry Editor window, expand HKEY_USERS \ DEFAULT \ Control Panel "AutoEndTasks" Value data changed to "1", canceled or restart can take effect.

2.6 shut down the system pre-reading

1) Click the Start button, Run edit box, type "regedit" and press "Enter" on the keyboard keys.

2) In the Registry Editor window, expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters", the the "EnablePrefetcher" value is set to "0" to cancel the pre-reading function.

3 NIC Attribute Optimization

Mirror package, you do not do a good job, will affect client fluency; optimization of the operating system, directly affect client fluency; different network cards have different modes of operation, set different attributes allows machines diskless boot the effects, the following is the experience that, in practice, we derived.

3.1 NF NIC Advanced Settings

1) Checksum Offload: packet checksum advised to turn off.

2) Flow Control: Flow control, must be shut down.

3) IEEE802.1P Support: IEEE802.1P support the proposed closure.

4) Jumbo Frame Payload Size: The default is 1500 this is a new Gigabit network settings, hereinafter described in detail.

5) Low Power State Link Speed: the NIC energy conservation, be advised to turn off.

6) Network Address: modification of the MAC, the default does not exist, generally do not have to change.

7) Optimize For CPU / Throughput: settings for CPU, network card speed is limited, but the CPU usage will be low; the NIC performance can completely play if changed Throughput, CPU occupancy will rise a lot.

8) Segmentation Offload: be advised to turn off.

9) Speed ​​/ Duplex Settings Full Autonegotiation: generally do not have to be modified.

10) VLAN Id: defaults to "1" without modification.

11) VLAN Support: VLAN support, generally close.

12) Wake on Magic packet: Magic packet wake, it is recommended to close.

13) Wake on pattern: be advised to turn off.

14) WakeOnLAN From PowerOff: be advised to turn off.

3.2 Realtek 8168/8111 LAN Advanced Settings

1) 802.1Q/1P VLAN Tagging: be advised to turn off

2) Flow Control: be advised to turn off

3) Jumbo Frame: be advised to turn off

4) Offload Checksum: be advised to turn off

5) Offload TCP_LargeSemnd: be advised to turn off

6) Flow Control: Flow control, must be shut down

3.3 Realtek 8169/8167 NIC Advanced Settings

1) 820.1Q/1p VLAN Tagging is set to Disable

2) Flow Control is set to Disable

3) Junbo Frame is set to Disable

4) Offload Checksum set to Disable

5) Offload TCP_LargeSend set to Disable

3.4 Intel Pro 1000 NIC Advanced Settings

1) QoS Packet Tagging: set to "disabled"

2) Locally Administered Address: recommendations set "does not exist"

3) transfer descriptor: It is recommended to be set to "256"

4) wait for a connection: It is recommended to set to "ON"

5) Offload Transmit IP Checksum: recommended setting is "ON"

6) Offload Transmit TCP Checksum: recommended setting is "OFF"

7) Offload Receive IP Checksum: recommended setting is "ON"

8) Offload Receive TCP Checksum: recommended setting is "OFF"

9) wake-link settings: set to "disabled"

10) wake-up settings: set to "disabled"

11) records link status settings: set to "disabled"

12) Receive descriptor: proposed to be set to "256"

13) Jumbo Frames: It is recommended to be set to "Disabled"

14) Link Speed ​​& Duplex: recommended setting is "1000 Mbps auto-negotiation."

15) Flow Control: recommended setting is "OFF"

16) Enable PME: recommended operating system is set to "control"

17) adaptive frame spacing adjustment: It is recommended to be set to "Enabled"

18) interrupt throttling rate: It is recommended to set to "OFF"

3.5 Other NIC common set

1) link down power saving: when disconnected off the power savings, it is recommended to enable.

2) link speed / duplex mode: connection speed NIC 10/100M adaptive, select the default of the auto negotiation. "

3) optimal performance: optimization settings, it is recommended to enable

4) receive buffer size: receive buffer size, select a maximum of 64k bytes.

5) wakeup on arp / ping wakeup on link change, wakeup using Apm mode these are the Wake on LAN feature, unwanted proposals closed.

4. Sound Card Settings 

Set the sound card, cancel mute the microphone "MIC", then click "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Entertainment" click "recorder", the test speech is normal.

May encounter problems: Windows comes with a tape recorder, in 4G memory client may appear memory message, this is the Windows operating system flaws, and has not been repaired, so I do not need to care about this prompt.

5. Set the Graphics Card

Close the vertical synchronization of the graphics card.

6. NIC Settings 

The close client NIC flow control, jumbo frames.

Such as Realtek NIC recommended a full range of settings:

1) Flow control must be shut down;

2) Giant frame advised to turn off;

3) Hardware efficacy and must be shut down;

4) Large Send burdens advised to turn off;

5) Environmental protection and energy saving advised to turn off.

7. Scheduled Task Optimization

1) Delete all scheduled tasks information. RealPlayer automatically update the tasks scheduled tasks exist, If you install the Sogou input method also exists Sogou input method the planned tasks, if the installation of the Google browser as well as Google input method, but also have Google software related to the timing upgrade tasks, all the information can be deleted at the same time will not have any impact on the system.

8. Other Settings

1) Click the "Start" button in the edit box of "Run" enter "compmgmt.msc". Open the IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers. The conversion of non-automatic detection of the primary IDE channel and secondary IDE channel properties advanced settings inside.

2) To change the virtual memory to "System Management".

3) Delete the system useless files, delete system backup files: Click "Start" button in the "Run" edit box, enter "sfc.exe in the the / purgecache"; delete drive backup \ driver cache \ i386 directory of the driver cab file, which can reduce the capacity of the package.
