Wiki Home System Requirements CCBoot Client on Windows 7 Embedded

CCBoot Client on Windows 7 Embedded

2014/07/09 16:47

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

CCBoot Client can be run on Windows Embedded Standard 7. To avoid some problems during the process, you can check the following notes.

1. Compared with the full version of Windows, Windows Embedded needs Microsoft updates.

2. Activate the iSCSI initiator of Microsoft, and then go to the Device Manager and install the iSCSI initiator

3. If you have problem when configure more than one image (different languages) to boot on the same physical machine, please check whether there’s a problem with active directory. 

Go to the local security policy -> Local policies -> security options, and look for the parameters "Domain members: Disable machine account password change", this parameter must be activated.

Take English version image and French versioin image for example, in the English version, that parameter is activated by default, but in the French one, that parameter is always disabled, so please activate it.

4. If you failed to diskless boot multiple specifications with one image by using the provided drivers in CCBoot PNP tool, please try the NIC drivers of their manufacturers.

5. For the updates and drivers of Windows Embedded Standard 7, you also have to consider the OS (Windows 7 32bit or 64bit).

Thanks for Simon Leroux providing this solution.
