Wiki Home System Requirements Run CCBoot Server on Linux

Run CCBoot Server on Linux

2020/01/20 21:56

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

We do not recommend to use Linux as server OS. This wiki is created only for reference and we do not guarantee normal performance of CCBoot on Linux.

1) Download centos bittorrent file from

2) Download torrent by utorrent

3) Install centos on a PC

4) Login with root. (Notes: It's very important. You should install and run WINE with root account later else you can not open DHCP and other services of CCBoot. Only root account can open port less 1024.)

5) Open terminal command window

6) wget

7) wget

8) rpm -Uvh epel-release*rpm

9) yum install epel-release

10) yum list all

11) yum update

12) yum install wine* -y

13) System -> administration -> firewall -> disable

14) winecfg (if required install xxx HTML, click cancel).

15) Windows version => Windows 2008 R2

16) Copy CCBoot files for Linux to "/root/ccboot" (download CCBoot linux files

17) Run "ccboot.exe" from "/root/ccboot".

How to run CCBoot as service?

1) edit /etc/rc.local

WINEDEBUG=-all /usr/bin/wine /root/ccboot/ccboot.exe -service &

2) reboot

Now CCBoot can run as service. If you want to remove service, just remove the link in /etc/rc.local

How to stop CCBoot service?

/usr/bin/wine /root/ccboot/ccboot.exe -stop

How to add game disk?

You can add hdd in Linux and add drive in winecfg. Now CCBoot can recognize the game disk.

Note: CCBoot cannot read disk in Linux. But you can transfer the game disk to a vhd file, and then add vhd file as game disk like image. For example, create a vhd image in game disk, and load the vhd as game disk.

Attach a new hdd in Linux and then run the following commands.

fdisk /dev/sdb







mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1

mkdir /game_drive

mount /dev/sdb1 /game_drive

nano /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb1 /game_drive ext3 defaults 1 2


Wine Configuration

Figure 1-1

CCBoot Disk Propeties

Figure 1-2

New Image

Figure 1-3

Create Fixed Size Image

Figure 1-4

Computer Management

Figure 1-5
