Wiki Home System Requirements How to Use Youngzsoft Setup Service

How to Use Youngzsoft Setup Service

2016/05/18 01:22

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

We provide setup service for the customers. The setup service is not free. Before you request setup service please check the following steps - 

  1. Purchase the license first from
  2. Purchase the setup service from setup fee is USD 10 each client. If you have 10 clients, you need to purchase 10 * 10 = 100 USD setup service. Enter 100 in the ‘# of PC’s” box. and click update.
  3. Make payment. and follow the and prepare the hardware both server and client.
  4. Please prepare one client PC with HDD and Windows Operating System installed. It will be used to upload image.
  5. Install Team Viewer on both server and client and send the server and client's Team Viewer ID and password to us via email.
  6. Tell us your Skype/Facebook IM account, we will add you and contact you online easily.
