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Update Game Disk on the Server

2018/12/12 18:21

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

Some game can be played without required registry entries to be present in the client PC.
Hence its quite easy to update those games from the servers and those will be updated and playable on the clients. 

1) On CCBoot server, install new games or game patches for the games you want on the game disk.

2) Once you are done updating, all you have to do is just reboot the clients.

3) After clients are rebooted they will get the new as well as updated games that you installed on the server.

4) Some game require registry entries to be present on the client image for those kinds of games,

a. Make backup of registry entries from the server as needed, select the required registry and export it.

b. Copy the exported registry entries in a USB drive.

c. Plug in a superclient client PC and merge the registry entries.

d. Now, the games that require registry will work without any issue.

Note: Refer How To Back Up the Windows Registry to know how to backup windows registry entries.


Update games on server safely