Wiki Home DHCP and PXE boot DHCP settings

DHCP settings

DHCP, settings

In The following, you will find instructions about DHCP settings

  • "DHCP Settings" Dialog Box.


Figure 1

Using CCBoot DHCP
Start TFTP:
Activate TFTP services.
Start Proxy DHCP:
 To activate the DHCP services for use by CCBoot Clients. (should be always enabled)
DHCP Server IP: Specifies the CCBoot Server IP address.
IP Allocated Start: Specifies the starting IP address. DHCP service will allocate the client
IP address from this IP address.
IP Allocated End: Specifies the end IP address. DHCP service will allocate the client IP address that ends to this IP address.
IP Mask, Gateway, DNS Address 1, and DNS Address 2: Specifies the client IP Mask,
Getway, DNS addresses. The DHCP service will automatically apply these settings to all diskless clients. If your DNS address more than three can be separated by a semicolon, write in the edit box.
