Wiki Home BSOD issues Blue Screen When Booting

Blue Screen When Booting

bsod, booting, issue

The following provides solutions for resolving various blue screen error codes encountered during booting on CCBoot client PCs

0X000007B blue screen code

Blue screen occurs when booting, and can't get into the system. Check the blue screen code and it is mostly as 0X000007B, which is due to network card driver error or stoppage of network card itself.


  1.  Change network card driver, and download proper driver to replace original driver on official website of network card.
  2.  Extract network card, clean the golden finger of the network card, then insert it into a slot on the mainboard or change slop. If it is the board load network card, it has to change the mainboard or add an individual network card.

Not 0X000007B blue screen code

If it is not 0X000007B blue screen code, then there will be various reasons, such as installation of antivirus software, simplified system, wrong operations for uploading image, etc.


  1.  Download the completed version system or use the installation version, and reinstall the system and make a good patch, as well as unload software for no use.
  2.  When uploading an image, it needs a stable network. If the network is not stable, it will cause problems for uploading images, and as a result, it will lead to a blue screen.

0X000000A5 Blue Screen Code


This may be because AHCI was disabled in the BIOS. Please enable AHCI in the Server BIOS.

0X0000004E Blue Screen Code


Normally, this is because of the graphics card driver problem. Please try the latest graphics card driver. If this problem exists on the same brand graphics card, it is the VGA driver problem. If not, it may be the memory-chip problem, please take the memory-chip out and clean it.
