Wiki Home Boot Issues \BOOT\BCD Problem with Disk Signature Conflict

\BOOT\BCD Problem with Disk Signature Conflict

2018/01/22 03:10

Notice: This wiki is for the old version CCBoot. Please click HERE to access the new version wiki

In some Internet cafes, when you cannot disable HDD in the BIOS, and don't want to remove the HDD either then you may use some other ways to not boot from HDD or disable HDD. 

In this situation, when client diskless boot, the CCBoot client 's dimage disk may conflict with the existing HDD, then you may get disk signature ID conflict. Thus, when you use Super Client to update image, it may change CCBoot clients's image disk signature. 

However, changing the image disk signature is not allowed in windows 7, and may show "\BOOT\BCD" error during diskless boot.


1. You need to remove the hard disk physically or disconnect its SATA cable.

2. You can try another Client as superclient, and see if the error is not shown.

Note: Some user tend to delete the 100MB partition of windows 7 without properly migrating the boot files and recreate the BCD. Then at that time, the client will also get the /Boot/BCD error. Refer How to Remove the Windows "System Reserved" Partition to properly delete the 100MB partition


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