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Set admin password

Why set an admin password?

  1. To lock CCBoot UI.

You can lock the CCBoot UI to prevent unauthorized personnel from making any changes to the settings and configuration of the server and clients. And the admin password is used to unlock it, to make changes by authorized personnel.

  1.  To use "Enable Superclient" and "Disable Superclient" function in CCBoot client.

In the recent version, we have made it so that you can enable or disable the super client right from the client pc so you don't need to come back to the server to save the changes. The admin password is needed to be entered when you click either of the buttons to use the corresponding function, failure to enter the correct password will prevent it.

  1. Upload image to server.

You don't have to allow a client to upload an image, any client can be used to upload an image. But to prevent unauthorized users/personnel from uploading images randomly and filling up the image disk, the admin password prevents the action as the function will not execute without entering the correct password.

Steps to set an Admin Password:

  1. Go to the Boot page from the cp of iCafeCloud, click on the “Settings” tab and “Edit” button respectively (Figure 1).