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Get NIC drivers from our servers

2020/08/15 00:32

In new version CCBoot, we added a function to get NIC drivers from our web server and add it to the image. 

Here is how you can do it.

1. Right click the image and then choose "Add NIC driver to the image" (Figure 1).

Add driver

Figure 1

2. Now, click "Yes" in the dialog box that appears (Figure 2).

Confirm add

Figure 2

3. Click the "Update from IDC" button (Figure 3)

Update from IDC

Figure 3

4. After few seconds a dialog box will open with text "OK", click "OK" button to close it (Figure 4).


Figure 4

5. Now, the driver have been added/update in the image. When it ask to save the image, click "Yes" button (Figure 5).

Save image

Figure 5


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